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Oracle Queries

HCM Cloud – Time in Job, Time in Position Query

By May 22, 2020April 29th, 2021No Comments

This query in Oracle HCM Cloud provides information on Employees and how much time they have been in a certain job or in a certain Position.

As you can see in the below screenshot from SQLConnect, this query provides Time in Job and Time in a particular position in YEARS. Copy this query and use it in SQLConnect – Get the data you want without even logging into BI tools for Oracle HCM cloud.

You can remove a few conditions from this query, if you want the time to be calculated even across global transfers/rehires.

SELECT papf.person_number
, Job_Name
, Position_Name
months_between(sysdate, (
SELECT MIN(paam1.effective_start_date)
FROM per_all_assignments_m paam1
WHERE paam1.person_id = paam.person_id
AND paam1.assignment_id = paam.assignment_id /* Remove this if you want the time to be calculated even across global transfers/rehires */
AND paam1.assignment_type NOT IN ('ET','CT','PT')
AND paam1.job_id = paam.job_id
FROM per_all_assignments_m paam2
WHERE paam2.person_id = paam.person_id
AND paam2.assignment_id = paam.assignment_id /* Remove this if you want the time to be calculated even across global transfers/rehires */
AND paam2.job_id <> paam1.job_id
AND paam2.assignment_type NOT IN ('ET','CT','PT')
AND paam2.effective_start_date > paam1.effective_start_date
)) / 12
), 2) time_in_job_years
months_between(sysdate, (
SELECT MIN(paam1.effective_start_date)
FROM per_all_assignments_m paam1
WHERE paam1.person_id = paam.person_id
AND paam1.assignment_id = paam.assignment_id /* Remove this if you want the time to be calculated even across global transfers/rehires */
AND paam1.assignment_type NOT IN ('ET','CT','PT')
AND paam1.position_id = paam.position_id
FROM per_all_assignments_m paam2
WHERE paam2.person_id = paam.person_id
AND paam2.assignment_id = paam.assignment_id /* Remove this if you want the time to be calculated even across global transfers/rehires */
AND paam2.position_id <> paam1.position_id
AND paam2.assignment_type NOT IN ('ET','CT','PT')
AND paam2.effective_start_date > paam1.effective_start_date
)) / 12
), 2) time_in_position_years
FROM per_all_assignments_m paam
,per_all_people_f papf
WHERE papf.person_id = paam.person_id
AND paam.assignment_type NOT IN ('ET','CT','PT')
AND paam.assignment_status_type = 'ACTIVE'
AND paam.primary_flag = 'Y'
AND paam.effective_latest_change = 'Y'
AND paam.position_id = hapfv.position_id(+)
AND paam.job_id = pjfv.job_id(+)
AND sysdate BETWEEN pjfv.effective_start_date(+)
AND pjfv.effective_end_date(+)
AND sysdate BETWEEN hapfv.effective_start_date(+)
AND hapfv.effective_end_date(+)
AND sysdate BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
AND papf.effective_end_date
AND sysdate BETWEEN paam.effective_start_date
AND paam.effective_end_date